b13 Blog

Sharing what we've learned while delivering client projects online for more than 20 years and being leading contributors to TYPO3 is part of who we are.

We choose widely-adopted open-source technologies because we can fix, extend, and improve them while building on the experience and support of thousands of our peers. In our blog, we share with you the knowledge we've gained along the way for you to build on.

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Categories Performance
Image for Article A Guide to Accessibility Considerations in UX Design
A Guide to Accessibility Considerations in UX Design
|Franzi Töpler

People with disabilities constitute one of the most significant segments of online users, but it is an often-overlooked population in the digital world. Increasing accessibility to this population is an empathetic choice and an intelligent business decision, especially when you consider that temporary and situational disability adds up to include almost everyone who uses the internet. Improving accessibility can increase an organization’s reach, enhance the user experience, and boost SEO. Additionally, with new accessibility directives in play, organizations that expand their site’s accessibility will maintain compliance with the law.

Image for Article A Core Web Vitals Primer for TYPO3 Users
A Core Web Vitals Primer for TYPO3 Users
|Franzi Töpler

The Core Web Vitals are the go-to metrics for determining if a web page responds to user interaction swiftly and without disruptions. TYPO3 admins and developers need to know how these metrics work.

Image for Article On-site search is more than a small box in the corner
On-site search is more than a small box in the corner
|Laura Heine

Users want to find information fast. If the page navigation is insufficient, they quickly resort to the search functionality. Nowadays, users expect that an on-site search is easy to use, provides flexible options, and delivers specific and useful results. But bringing your on-site search to the next level is not straightforward, because there are many factors that contribute to the overall solution, such as your search engine, content, metadata and your information architecture.

Image for Article Why choose On-Prem over SaaS for your CMS?
Why choose On-Prem over SaaS for your CMS?
|David Steeb

Enterprises now have many software delivery channel options to choose from. With software-as-a-service (SaaS) and cloud-based implementation models on the rise, you might be trying to figure out the best software delivery channel to support your enterprise’s digital strategy. If you don’t have an internal IT department, SaaS can be tempting, but when you also have stringent data compliance needs, an on-premises (or on-prem for short) solution is your best bet.

Image for Article Workspaces Improvements
Workspaces Improvements
|Benni Mack

One of TYPO3's powerful features for content publishing is Workspaces - creating and staging in a draft environment before publishing content. TYPO3 v11 adds a few important touches to this functionality, making it even more powerful - for both developers and editors.

Image for Article Why performance matters
Why performance matters
|David Steeb

A slow website is loosing you business. Here's why performance of your website matters – and what you can do to improve yours. We found on a recent relaunch of a client website that the search ranking for their most important keywords significantly improved just by optimizing website performance.