b13 Blog

Sharing what we've learned while delivering client projects online for more than 20 years and being leading contributors to TYPO3 is part of who we are.

We choose widely-adopted open-source technologies because we can fix, extend, and improve them while building on the experience and support of thousands of our peers. In our blog, we share with you the knowledge we've gained along the way for you to build on.

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Image for Article Get the complete picture with cookie-less tracking

Get the complete picture with cookie-less tracking

|David Steeb

Google Analytics is a marketer’s best friend, but you may not be getting as accurate a picture of your data as you think. Google Analytics leans heavily on cookies, and cookies are often blocked by users, extensions, or firewalls, which skews your data — often to a disadvantage. A cookie-less tracking tool can more accurately reflect the number of hits, users, and sessions your website is getting. By combining this data with Google Analytics, you can have more confidence that you are making the most informed decisions for your marketing strategy.