b13 Blog

Sharing what we've learned while delivering client projects online for more than 20 years and being leading contributors to TYPO3 is part of who we are.

We choose widely-adopted open-source technologies because we can fix, extend, and improve them while building on the experience and support of thousands of our peers. In our blog, we share with you the knowledge we've gained along the way for you to build on.

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Categories Workspaces
Image for Article Workspaces Improvements

Workspaces Improvements

|Benni Mack

One of TYPO3's powerful features for content publishing is Workspaces - creating and staging in a draft environment before publishing content. TYPO3 v11 adds a few important touches to this functionality, making it even more powerful - for both developers and editors.

Image for Article Powerful Content Staging in TYPO3 with Workspaces

Powerful Content Staging in TYPO3 with Workspaces

|David Steeb

If you need to publish or update content in multiple languages at the same time, or involve others to sign off or edit content before publishing, then content staging is the solution you’re looking for. Did you know TYPO3 solves this out of the box with the Workspaces module?