Multilanguage - Use any Locale now in TYPO3 v12
TYPO3 v12 introduces better support for languages and locales, including BCP 47 format, automatic fallbacks, and reduced configuration overhead for setting up new languages.
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TYPO3 v12 introduces better support for languages and locales, including BCP 47 format, automatic fallbacks, and reduced configuration overhead for setting up new languages.
You’re invited: TYPO3 has a new home for its system configuration in TYPO3 v12. In our latest post we’ll walk you through the new changes, their advantages, and how it fits into TYPO3’s system history.
Find out how Content Security Policy can protect your websites from malicious attacks. Cross-Site Scripting exploits vulnerabilities in CMS architecture—but with the right security policy, you can keep your websites safe.
Unlock TYPO3 v12's enhanced TCA types. Improvements to the Table Configuration Array introduce streamlined code and simply work for integrators and extension authors.