b13 Blog

Sharing what we've learned while delivering client projects online for more than 20 years and being leading contributors to TYPO3 is part of who we are.

We choose widely-adopted open-source technologies because we can fix, extend, and improve them while building on the experience and support of thousands of our peers. In our blog, we share with you the knowledge we've gained along the way for you to build on.

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Categories Forms
Image for Article Level up your TYPO3 forms with custom extensions and flexible finishers

Level up your TYPO3 forms with custom extensions and flexible finishers

|Michael Semle

TYPO3’s “Form” system extension is a flexible framework that can handle many configurations, templates, and use cases. While TYPO3 makes it easy to create forms on the fly, your business may have more complex needs that require backend adjustments. Rather than seeking tech help for every minor change, your company might benefit from a custom extension or flexible finisher that makes forms more self-serviceable for marketers. At b13, we love to help our clients get more flexibility out of TYPO3 Forms with custom solutions for specific business needs.

Image for Article Best Practices and Usability for Online Forms

Best Practices and Usability for Online Forms

|Stefanie Braun

Forms are one of the most common ways to interact with a website, for example signing up for a newsletter, completing a check-out process, contacting a company, or creating an account. It’s important to get the design right.