Expert TYPO3 Development Services: Your Partner for Innovative Solutions
As we say in our company manifesto, we want to deliver solutions that match your needs. If that means building an extension, we’ve got you covered. If that means improving TYPO3 core, we’ve been the leading contributors to TYPO3 core since 2015<sup>(1)</sup>.
Because TYPO3 is a broadly adopted content management system, it probably covers many of your needs out-of-the-box. Because it is open-source software, it can be customized and extended to meet all of them. You don't have the knowledge, experience, or time in-house to build the mission-critical features you need for your online presence? We’re here to get them done right for you.
We’ll meet your unique requirements with secure, performant, stable, maintainable, cost-efficient solutions on top of a tried and true CMS that we play a major part in building and maintaining alongside a vibrant community of professional peers.
Talk with us about your business needs and your development challenges. We love new problems we haven’t solved … yet!
Adding a New Feature to TYPO3 Core
If we determine with you that TYPO3 needs a new feature, our direct participation in the TYPO3 Core Team makes it possible for us to better assess whether incorporating a given feature into the core would make sense. Core features have the advantage of being maintained by TYPO3’s core developers and receiving official bugfix and maintenance support.
Developed close to the core team to the highest standards.
Possible inclusion in the official TYPO3 distribution.
Core features are officially supported as a part of the CMS.
Extending a TYPO3 Core Feature
If TYPO3 includes a feature you need, but not quite all the functionality you require, we can help you specify the additions you need and create an extension package, closely integrated with, but outside of, the core. If the addition seems beneficial to more than just your business, we can submit it to be considered for the TYPO3 core.
Add functionality closely integrated with the TYPO3 core.
Submit additions for consideration for TYPO3 core inclusion.
Our TYPO3 core development experience helps deliver the best integrations.
Custom Extensions with Low Maintenance Costs
The TYPO3 core is flexible and easily extensible. Custom extensions deliver value by adding functionality specific to your projects. By making the most of TYPO3’s core in what we develop, and adding the least-possible custom code, we deliver lean, durable, easy-to-maintain extensions that maximize your return on investment.
Draw on extensive in-house TYPO3 expertise.
Extensions with low-maintenance and high ROI.
Flexible and effective use of TYPO3’s core functionality.
TYPO3 Core Contributions and Express Core Bug Fixes
When bugs in core get in the way of your business requirements, we can resolve them for you on your timeline. Our in-house contributors work on core patches regularly and can streamline and prioritize the process for you.
Express bug fixes for your priority TYPO3 core bugs.
Patches created by experienced core contributors.
Streamlined workflow for swift resolution.
We’ll build, extend, or fix it right!
At b13, we emphasize deep in-house expertise in our core technologies. Our clients are our partners in the ongoing, evolving process of creating and maintaining the best digital solutions for their goals and needs.
We’ll work with you to get to the heart of what you need and deliver the solutions you need.
Contact us to learn how TYPO3 core development can bring your business undiscovered benefits.
- Company Contributions to the TYPO3 project per year: