Michael Semle

TYPO3 backend developer and integrator

support board sanitation, "PHP, HTML, and the other stuff..."

Tools Michi can’t live without:
  • PhpStorm, Git, Composer
  • Spotify
  • Adobe Lightroom

Michael is our friendly neighborhood secret weapon. Running our support board, he is the one person in the office who knows all our client projects. Outside the office, he’s a scout leader and musician. His tech skill set is impressive, like a Swiss army knife, yet somehow his greatest skill is learning new skills. In and out of the office, he is kind, generous, and always ready to lend a hand.


  • Learning
  • PHP, TYPO3, Apple, Ansible, Vagrant 
  • Web Servers, Search, CI-deployment
  • People, Listening, Understanding, High-fives, Teamwork
  • Breakfast, Barbecues, Hamburgers vs Pizza, Roller Coasters

Michael and TYPO3

I love that TYPO3 is incredibly flexible and almost fully customizable. It has great documentation, a great community, and it gives us what we need to meet our clients’ needs. Every new version is better than the last, especially in terms of performance. Version 10 is the best yet.

Michael on working at b13

I love working at b13 because we work as a team and help each other out if we don’t know how to tackle something. And maybe most importantly, we have fun together while working on cool projects. As a company, b13 looks after its employees and helps us to grow in our work. It’s important and satisfying to me that we look for the best solution for our clients, not necessarily the most profitable one. We always ask our clients, “Why do you need this?” until we understand their goals, not just what they think they need. I also love how many extensions and core contributions we give back to the TYPO3 community, so that everyone gets more out of the CMS we love.

Michael’s Dos and Don’ts

  • Never work on the live server. No, really, don’t.
Latest articles by Michael Semle
Image for Article Level up your TYPO3 forms with custom extensions and flexible finishers
Level up your TYPO3 forms with custom extensions and flexible finishers
| Michael Semle

TYPO3’s “Form” system extension is a flexible framework that can handle many configurations, templates, and use cases. While TYPO3 makes it easy to create forms on the fly, your business may have more complex needs that require backend adjustments. Rather than seeking tech help for every minor change, your company might benefit from a custom extension or flexible finisher that makes forms more self-serviceable for marketers. At b13, we love to help our clients get more flexibility out of TYPO3 Forms with custom solutions for specific business needs.