How to create a repeatable, standardized process for fetching customers’ TYPO3 data into a local environment with ddev pull.

Jochen Roth
TYPO3 Core Developer
- PhpStorm
- Gitlab
- Git
- BackupPC
A TYPO3 developer with a love for learning, Jochen falls into the category of ‘quarantine hire.’ This makes him a man of mystery at b13: what lies beyond the four corners of his screenshares? We’ll have to wait a bit to find out, but here’s what we can deduce so far: Jochen is a meticulous website developer with a talent for automation, research, and review. He’s a great team player, trustworthy, and honest!
- TYPO3 Core and Extensions
- Teamwork and Contribution
- Hamburgers vs. Pizza (the question remains: what side is he on?)
- International Travel
- Mountain biking, motorbiking, and snowboarding
Jochen and TYPO3
I love that when you contribute code, the whole community benefits. TYPO3 is made up of an incredibly supportive group of people.
TYPO3 helps me get things done quickly by providing a rich feature set. It’s open source, easy-to-use, and configurable for individuals. I especially like the way TYPO3 enables form handling and extensibility.
Jochen on working at b13
I love the team spirit at b13. There’s great dedication and care for the TYPO3 community and beyond.
Jochen’s Dos and Don’ts
- Write clean code
- Support your teammates
- Windows

Jochen Roth
When built-in message transports hit their limits, RabbitMQ can provide TYPO3 with a scalable, robust message queue.