Make your editor’s job easier with a customized TYPO3 backend
Make your job easier with a customized TYPO3 backend. As of v9, you can create a great working environment for your editors.
Office and good vibes manager extraordinaire, Simone is now balancing a third job: mother to baby Nele. A lover of beauty and excellence, she’s into all things family, including watching her daughter smile, taking long walks with her husband, and seeing her parents, siblings, nephews, and nieces. You know the people you put off calling? Tax accountant, landlord, insurance agent... Simone is constantly in touch with them to keep the lights on at b13. She enters payments and receipts in the books, but (somewhat inexplicably) remains warm and friendly, and will always lend you an ear if you need it. You can hear Simone’s laugh through the entire office—everyone needs a Simone in their life!
Make your job easier with a customized TYPO3 backend. As of v9, you can create a great working environment for your editors.
Make your job easier with a customized TYPO3 backend. As of v9, you can create a great working environment for your editors.